
9月11日, 2013 marked the 40th anniversary of the bloody coup d’état that ended Chile’s experiment with democratic socialism.  这个国家的民选总统, 萨尔瓦多•阿连德, died defending the presidential palace from assault by his own military.  The coup launched years of brutal dictatorship under the leadership of General Augusto Pinochet.  Tens of thousands of Chileans who had supported Allende’s Popular Unity government were imprisoned and tortured.  Several thousand were killed and hundreds of thousands of others fled into exile.   The struggle to restore democracy in Chile would go on for nearly two decades.  It was engaged in clandestinely within the country and publicly by exiles and their allies without.  The Chilean struggle became one of the emblematic campaigns for human rights and social justice in the late twentieth century, drawing support from governments and activists around the world.

在2014年1月和2月, 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏墨西哥分校, 美洲, and Spain (MAS) program will commemorate the Chilean struggles for democracy, 人权, and social justice with a series of lectures, 艺术展览, 还有名为“智利:Canta al Mundo/Chile Sings to the World.”    This program is made possible by generous support from the Carlos and Malú Álvarez Fund for MAS and the Martha, 大卫和巴比·伦诺克斯基金会.  每年, these sponsors enable Trinity to organize a special 研讨会系列 on matters of concern to MAS students and faculty, 一方面,一方面, and on matters of concern to arts and humanities students and faculty, 另一方面.  今年, 第一次, Trinity is uniting the Álvarez and Lennox seminars to make possible an especially rich program of cultural events.  此外,新加坡金融管理局正在与国际货币基金组织合作 埃斯佩兰萨和平 & 司法中心 to present two special week-end concerts by Chilean and Chicana/o performers for the benefit of the wider San Antonio community.   We will also be exhibiting a special portfolio of poems by Chile’s Nobel Prize winning poet, 巴勃罗·聂鲁达, with illustrations by the Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros, made possible by a loan from the collection of the 圣安东尼奥艺术博物馆.

智利:Canta al Mundo will highlight the importance of a specific musical genre—la nueva canción (the new song)—that provided a musical soundtrack to Chile’s experiment with socialism and its struggles against the tyranny of military dictatorship. La nueva canción featured compositions utilizing Latin American folkloric instruments and rhythms and poetic, 社会觉悟的歌词.  It became popular throughout Latin America as the sound and style of the political left for the next two decades. 

智利独裁政权折磨, 被流放的, and even assassinated many of the principal exponents of la nueva canción.  The most prominent example was the military’s murder of Víctor Jara, who became a martyr for the Latin American left, comparable to the murder of Federico García Lorca, 伟大的西班牙剧作家, by fascist insurgents during that country’s civil war in the 1930s.  还有他的朋友和导师, Violeta Parra, Jara was the leading voice and creative force of la nueva canción.  The seminar will give particular prominence to the work of Violeta and Víctor, both of whom have become iconic figures and the object of considerable scholarly study in the world of Latin American arts and letters.

The Chilean exponents of la nueva canción who survived the September 1973 coup and went into exile played a major role in generating international solidarity with the victims of military repression and the movement for a return to democracy to their country.  例如Quilapayún, Inti-Illimani, 和Illapu, as well as individuals such as Ángel and Isabel Parra (children of Violeta), 经常在欧洲巡演, 北美, and the remaining democratic countries of Latin America, raising funds for the resistance and raising the consciousness of audiences about the disaster that had befallen their country.  除了, many other nueva canción groups emerged in Europe and 北美 in the 1970s and 1980s, featuring Chilean exiles collaborating with other Anglo and Latin musicians to bring a musical message of social justice and solidarity with Latin American causes to audiences in those countries. 

与此同时, 在独裁统治下的智利, the music of the nueva canción artists continued to console and inspire activists who fought for an end to Pinochet’s repression, circulating clandestinely on contraband cassettes, being sung in underground clubs and at shantytown soup kitchens.  此外, a new generation of artists emerged in Chile that developed their own socially-conscious style of music known as 章新, which was less overtly political in its lyrics, but no less important as a defiant form of cultural expression.  At great personal risk singers and groups such as Isabel Aldunate, 纳米Acevedo, 两人Semilla, Rebeca戈, Grupo阿布里尔, 爱德华多·佩拉尔塔, 圣地亚哥del Nuevo Extremo, 索尔·露维亚, and Francisco Villa played a vital role in the struggle against military rule.

This website serves as an online catalog of the 智利:Canta al Mundo 研讨会系列.  We encourage you to explore its contents to learn more about the significance of the Chilean experience with dictatorship and democracy, 新的canción智利, and the scholarship and artistry of participants in our  program.