校友 headshot of Geary '70 and Kay '72 Reamey
Getting to Know 校友 Couple Geary and Kay Reamey
For Valentine's Day, we asked asked alumni couple Geary '70 and Kay '72 Reamey a few questions to get to know them better.

The laughter of a child and the beauty of a clear blue Texas sky bring happiness to this 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 couple. Attorneys by training, the Reameys have also learned to appreciate life without conflict.To learn how, read on.

What is your favorite memory from your time at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网?
We loved studying together in the Great Hall of Chapman Graduate Center. It was usually empty except for us, and it was easy to imagine sitting in the great room of a large country house. Walks on and near campus were also relaxing and a pleasant study break, whether it was by the reflecting pool, or at the nearby Sunken Gardens at Brackenridge Park, or just walking back to our dorms and smelling the honeysuckle.

What was your favorite teacher/class at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网?
Kay especially enjoyed urban studies classes with Woody Sanders, Cathy Powell, and Char Miller. We both took and, like everyone, loved music appreciation with music professor Albert Herff-Beze. As a history major, Geary's favorite teacher and mentor was history professor Roger B. McShane who taught all things ancient.

Describe 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 in 3-5 words.

What advice would you give to a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 student? To a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 employee?
Cherish your time on a beautiful campus, surrounded by intelligent, 有趣的, 有爱心的人, and endless opportunities to expand your social, 文化, and academic awareness. For a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 employee, appreciate how rare it is to work in a lovely place with talented people.

How did you get involved in your area of career expertise?
Geary took stock of personal likes and dislikes, and researched various career options while serving in the U.S. 军队. Upon discharge, he attended law school and, after practicing law, began his law teaching career. Kay's interest in urban studies led her to pursue a legal career in the public law arena.

What do you like best about working with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students and alumni?
They are intelligent, 深思熟虑的, well-rounded people whose life experiences are often fascinating, and always 有趣的.

最喜欢的颜色? 为什么?
蓝色的. It reminds us of the beautiful Aegean Sea, Texas bluebonnets, and a clear Texas sky.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
对凯, it's teaching at the university level. For Geary, maybe writing or counseling.

What sound do you love? The sound you hate?
The sound of a child's laugh.The sound of whining.

What's your favorite expression? Least favorite expression?
"If there are no dogs in Heaven … when I die I want to go where they went" – Will Rogers. Least favorite: "That's awesome." – said by anyone who doesn't know what awesome really means.

If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be and why?
对凯, it's an olive tree – for its beauty, 耐力, and ability to produce something useful (and delicious) even in times of adversity. Geary would like to return as a dog, an animal that is loyal, expresses love freely and sincerely, and appreciates the simple pleasures of life.

What is your favorite word? Your least favorite word?
爱. 讨厌.

Where would you like to retire?

苏茜P. 冈萨雷斯 helped tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as part of the University communications team.

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