collage of students looking at materials at a table for the voter education task force
三位一体排名第一. 6 in Nation for Student Voter Registration on TurboVote
澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s Census and 选民的参与 Task Force provides voting and registration support

澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s campus may feel empty, but don’t be fooled. 老虎仍在工作, driving the campus forward with meaningful initiatives, 包括即将到来的选举季.

截至11月. 2、澳门金沙线上赌博官网排名第一. 6 ranked college in the nation for undergraduate students (as well as 教师 and 工作人员) who had registered to vote through TurboVote. 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 was in good company with universities such as Harvard and Washington University in St. 路易. 

Just over 30% of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 undergraduate students (and 教师 and 工作人员, but primarily students) had registered to vote on the TurboVote website, a site that provides people with the information they need to vote with confidence. This percentage also includes 教师 and 工作人员, but the primary audience was undergraduate students.

This accomplishment is the result of a group of  passionate, driven Tigers who comprise 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s 2020 Census and 选民的参与 Task Force. 工作队是由学生组成的, 工作人员, and 教师 working together to educate and provide support as the election draws near.

去年春天, 杰米·汤普森2005年, assistant dean of students and director of Student Involvement, initiated the 2020 Census and 选民的参与 Task Force (in collaboration with former University employee, 斯科特·布朗),并开始督促学生, 教师, 和工作人员一起参与人口普查. 现在, the task force is continuing its work by helping the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 community answer questions on when, 在哪里, 如何, 为什么要投票. 

Students hold swag from the Census and 选民的参与 Task Force.

To make sure that the task force had a wide variety of engagement and representation, Thompson reached out to student leaders on campus for help as student representatives. Brian Yancelson, 23岁, president of the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Progressives student organization, 从八月开始就在特别小组工作. 

“大学生, 在一般情况下, are known to have lower voting rates historically, and there are just so many obstacles to college students voting,扬塞尔森说. “这是令人困惑的, and all of that is just multiplied by the pandemic and 如何 we've been forced to live in places we never expected. 有太多问题需要回答. 所以对于特别小组来说, I think any sort of help we can provide to make voting a little easier is worth it. Even if we answer just one question or help one person vote that wouldn’t have before, 那我觉得我们的任务完成了.”

Among Yancelson’s fellow representatives are Thomás Peña ’22 and Sarah Pita ’23. Peña is the president of the 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Latino Association, and Pita serves as a senator for the Class of 2023 in 澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s Student Government Association (SGA). 作为学生代表, they work with Yancelson and the rest of the task force to provide support and encouragement to students looking for ways to fulfill their civic responsibilities.

“That’s what's really great about the task force,” Peña says. “当我收到邀请的时候, 我说, “我不是政治学专业的, 我和这件事有什么关系?’ But it's comprised of students and 教师 and 工作人员 from across campus, 来自学生生活的不同部分, 我们都在朝着一个目标努力.”

The goal of the task force has been to educate and support anyone who wants to help make a change. The task force has done a lot of work throughout the fall semester, and they aren’t slowing down. They’ve held information sessions and social media campaigns, and they have recruited two students from almost every student organization and sports team to be trained in voter advocacy. The hope is that by demystifying voting for these advocates, those students will be able to take their knowledge back and spread it through their networks, increasing cross-campus civic engagement and election literacy.

“作为一名政治学专业的学生, 我真的很享受公民参与, 我想让人们参与进来,皮塔说, who has been working on the task force social media campaigns since May. “I think it's especially important at a place like 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. College students in particular are a hard voting block to access, and it's a really good opportunity for 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 to engage with its student body. Part of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's overall message is getting out there and being involved in the community, 投票对这一点至关重要.”

选举日是11月11日星期二. 3. 欲了解更多投票信息,请查看 TurboVote 然后通读习俗 LibGuide 由特别小组创建.

“I think it's just about trying to be a good member of the community and making it fun,” Peña says. “Make it a tradition to not only vote, but to take your friends. Just make it a fun afternoon, take your friends to the polls and see change come to the community.”

Sydney Rhodes’23 helped tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as a writing intern for Strategic Communications and Marketing.
